About Us
Оnce upon a time, like sincere movie fans, we had a dream - to organize a festival that would break a million movie hearts with our special and dissimilar works. When the war started, we faced the question: how to help our country? The answer was simple, because the only thing we are good at is cinema. Now is the time when you need to realize your plans and shout about important things, when you can't be silent, so our festival was created to popularize Ukrainian cinema and support humanitarian organizations in Ukraine. There will be presented documentary, fiction and animation short films from all around the world. We are going to unite artists, celebrate life together and give possibility to feel better for the ones who need this
Our team

Dora Zahorodnia

Founder & Producer of Mriya IFF

Student at Karpenko Kary Kyiv University of Film and Television and Royal Institute for Theatre, Cinema & Sound. During her studies, in 2020 she won 3 pitchings for full technical support from the Dovzhenko National Studio. She was also employed in few productions and public organizations as a general producer. In 2022, she is one of the main organizers of the Mriya International Film Festival.

Eva Zurian

Founder & Program director

Student of the Karpenko Kary Kyiv University of Film and Television, where she is studying as a producer. She has worked as a line producer, administrator, and creative producer for various short films and film festivals, including Docudays UA, Molodist International Film Festival, Kyiv Critics Week, KISFF, and smaller Ukrainian film festivals. She currently serves as the Program Director at Mriya International Film Festival, as well as a producer and distributor for 15 short films.

Sukiasian Lucine

Social Media Manager

Student at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven studying IT. Specializes in website development and graphic design.


Identity designer

Elina Pupina is a young animation director and illustrator from Ukraine. Participant and finalist of more than 50 festivals around the world. Her film was in the long list of Ukrainian nomination ‘Zolota Dziga’ in 2021. Also, she was a participant 3 times (2020-2022) at the international festival ‘Linoleum’. In September 2021 at the Kyiv International Short Film Festival ‘100 Filmsin 100 Minutes’ 2 animated films were shown in all cinemas of Ukraine ‘Planet of Cinema’. Now, she is a master student of LUCA School of Arts, in Brussels.

Dmyto Gruenko

Administration & Technical Director


Kateryna Yahodka

Head of Digital Communication

Student of Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Karyi University of Theatre, Cinema and Television. She has received awards at international film festivals for her projects where she acted as a screenwriter and producer. Also Kateryna had experience working as a journalist on the local TV channel.

Anastasia Tadai

Head of Audiovisual Press Department


Nikita Perchyk

Head of Communication Department


Iryna Orel

Head of PR

Master of Public Administration and Management (Ukraine, 2018), head of NGO «Territory of Participation», 6 years of organising cultural and educational events (Ukraine, Belgium)

Vitalii Taranenko

Communication Manager

Master of Public Administration and Management (Ukraine, 2018), head of NGO «Territory of Participation», 6 years of organising cultural and educational events (Ukraine, Belgium)

Karkulias Vasilios

Project Executive for Management

Master of Public Administration and Management (Ukraine, 2018), head of NGO «Territory of Participation», 6 years of organising cultural and educational events (Ukraine, Belgium)

Maria Koshkina

Marketing Manager

Master of Public Administration and Management (Ukraine, 2018), head of NGO «Territory of Participation», 6 years of organising cultural and educational events (Ukraine, Belgium)

Oleksandr Gruenko

Information Technology Manager

Master of Public Administration and Management (Ukraine, 2018), head of NGO «Territory of Participation», 6 years of organising cultural and educational events (Ukraine, Belgium)

Anastasia Tadai



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